Thursday, November 10, 2005

Footnotes of note.

The first in what is sure to be an arhythmically occurring feature:

I'm trying to work out how this makes sense as a noun meaning "the product of a bowel movement." This is not Dawson's personal euphemistic misstep; the usage persists in medical writing today. Should you have had the forturne of visiting a web page called The Constipation Page, you will [sic] have seen the phrase, "the motion or stool is very dry or hard." Perhaps this is why the term "motion pictures" was replaced by "movies." Now that I see it on the page, "movie" would have been a far better BM euphemism than "motion." I'd love to chat, but I need to make a movie.

Which is something Joe Esterhaus used to say quite regularly. Spotted in Roach, Spook, page 116.


Blogger Jax said...

Man, this made my Sunday morning!!

Movie of the Week...
Movie Critic's Choice...

I saw a movie last week and man, it STANK!:)

5:00 AM  

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