Monday, December 06, 2004

The letter i and the word POD vs. Negativland.

Just in time for Christmas, a special edition iPod from the folks famously sued by U2's record label. Bid now; only one day left as I write this. [via Core77]

Negativland keep up their own site here. One item that doesn't make their "minutia-filled" discography is this compilation, done in connection with a visual arts show on illegal art put on by the folks behind Stay Free! mag. I recommend this publication highly, despite the fact I'm pictured, unflatteringly, on the back of their recent Brooklyn issue, with the rest of my family. It appears that copies of the compilation CD are available at the illegal art site at a great price -- $8.95. Worth it even if you're used to getting your illegal music for free; you can rest easy in the knowledge that you'd be cheating at least some of the artists out of royalties.


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