Friday, February 11, 2005

Dreaming of the masters.

Bagatellen, discovered while trolling Carl "no striped shirt in my closet" Wilson's links page, is a fine free jazz-related blog and review site, featuring, among other things, contributions from Nate Dorward, who also maintains his own, infrequently updated web presence. Dorward recently posted a review of Anthony Braxton's Charlie Parker Project 1993. This is an especially generous piece of writing, if too generous in its explanations of where Braxton and bebop orthodoxy part ways, including counting bars and timing turn-arounds. It's hard to imagine this record getting a more thorough going-over, without resorting to eye-glazing arcana.

Anyway, since I recently picked up a used copy of Braxton's '80s homage to Monk (his first such project, per the Dorward review), I found it useful for framing this avant guardist's take on more traditional jazz material. Not for the uninitiated, I guess, but what in blogdom is?


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